Updating again

I’ve started to write my impressions from my tour. The entries appear on the days I visited the area I write about, so are further down the page. I’ll be updating this entry as I write the others, so check back here.
1st October: added Zion National Park.
2nd October: added Lake Tahoe.
5th October: added Monitor Pass and Lake Mono.
7th October: updated Yosemite, and added some photos.
9th October: added Yosemite, day 2.
10th October: added From Oakhurst to Nipomo.

Niagara Falls

Mary-Anne in front of the Niagara FallsYesterday, we set off from the Burkhard’s home on our way to Virginia, taking a slight detour to the Niagara Falls. (Look up the geography 🙂 ) The weather was terrible; the remnants of tropical storm Tami were dumping their rain on us for hours on end. We reached Albany, where we started looking for a motel. Everything was full! (Now I know how Mary and Joseph must have felt when looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem.) I thought the problem must be that it is Columbus Day weekend. (Are there any Europeans who have heard of Columbus Day weekend? I hadn’t.)
Continue reading “Niagara Falls”

Sweet reunion

The first time I've seen Mary-Anne in 8 weeksI was finally reunited with Mary-Anne after almost 8 weeks apart! The drive from Boston airport was difficult; I was tired, and there was thick fog in places. It was also further than I thought, but Christiane and Pete had given me good directions, so I found their house without problems.
I was sad to leave Mike, Chris, Sarah and Joe, and the first morning of the training conference was so good that I almost delayed my flight by a day – but only almost. It was time to see Mary-Anne again.