Today, we drove from Hagerstown to Falls Church, near Washington. If you’re looking for driving directions in the Washington area, don’t use Map24! The directions were useless, telling us, for example, to take the exit 9B towards Shady Grove Road. Shady Grove Road is exit 8. And if you take either exit, you end up somewhere in the Washington area with no relation to where we were headed.
We finally found Falls Church, and Ben and Esther’s house, 90 minutes later than we expected because of the wrong turns we took. Aviva was somewhat apprehensive when she first saw us, because she did not remember us. We told her that she was not being very friendly, to which she replied “I’m not unfriendly, I’m rude!”
. She soon warmed to us, though, and enthusiastically showed us how good she is on the monkey bars, and served me endless amounts of tea and cake from her imaginary kitchen.