While in the USA with Mike, I started reading David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done“. I didn’t get that far with it, because it keeps telling me I have to do things ;-). I keep returning to it, trying to put his suggestions into practice; I think I’m improving, but I’m not there yet. Recently, I discovered the 43 Folders web site, a blog looking at Getting Things Done and related topics. This post is a good place to start, if you’re interested.
Category: Getting things done
Thoughts about David Allen’s book “Getting things done”
Getting things done
Mike recommended David Allen’s book “Getting things done”, and has given me a copy to read. It’s not explicitly a spiritual book, but Mike knows many people who recommend the book as a help in getting things organised and priorities set. We’ll be working through it together in the coming weeks, and I’ll be recording my thoughts and experiences here, starting today.
The book says basically that existing methods of organizing our lives are no longer good enough, because of the changes in society, and particularly work, which have happened in the past decades. In order to be concentrated on what we are doing, we need to be sure that we’re not forgetting anything important to us. We need a system to help us with that. The book aims to help people develop such a system.
The basic requirements for such a system, the author claims, are: Continue reading “Getting things done”