Today was a relaxed day: off to a late start, we visited a factory outlet mall (where we spent nothing), ate a good yet cheap lunch in Perkins restaurant, then drove to Erie, where we found a reasonably-priced hotel with a jacuzzi bath in the room! I took the room immediately, only to discover that the water was cut off 🙁 … luckily, only until I asked what was going on and the manageress had a stern word with the plumber.
This evening, we again ate well, this time at TGIFriday’s. Having eaten so well at lunchtime, we only had an appetizer
and lots of raspberry iced tea
(OK, and a piece of cheesecake, which I have to enjoy while I’m here, because I can’t get it in Switzerland)
I`m impressed! Not to spend money in an outlet mall is very difficult.
That’s OK, we’re now in Hagerstown, and are about to make another attempt to spend money!