It was a weekend full of food: on Saturday, Mary-Anne used our new slow cooker for the first time, making an excellent spaghetti bolognaise. Andrea joined us for the evening, which we spent talking about what has been going on in our lives since I left for the US. We always enjoy spending time with her, having fun, but also talking about the important stuff. (Andrea, I hope the video worked out OK!)
On Sunday, we started out with communal breakfast before church. Far more people turned up than we expected, so we had to quickly set up more tables. Hanni and Hans had invited us for lunch: venison in a mushroom sauce with sprouts, Spätzli, baked apple with cranberry sauce, and red cabbage. They are both excellent cooks, and always serve good wines, too. Wonderful!
In the evening, we visited our new friends Stefan and Yvonne, taking the rest of Saturday’s spaghetti bolognaise (Mary had made far too much…). It was another enjoyable evening of good discussions.