An exciting evening in Schönenbuch


Just before 8pm, we heard some small explosions nearby, and wondered what was happening. We discovered that a trailer of straw had caught fire on the main road about 50 yards from our drive entrance – which the first fire engine blocked.
Schönenbuch is obviously a rural community; lacking other evening entertainment, there was soon a small crowd of people watching the efforts to extinguish the blaze ( 😉 ). Once straw has caught fire, it’s obviously difficult to extinguish it. The firemen (and -women) had to pull the entire load of the trailer, spreading it along the road, and douse it with water and foam. I pitied them in their heavy jackets, masks and helmets, because the day had been hot. From experience, I can say that the uniform is warm even in winter. They were all red in the face, and drinking plenty of water in moments of rest.
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