Comparison photos

I’ve just taken some photos to compare our digicams: the 2 megapixel Olympus I used in the USA last year (our first digicam), Mary-Annes 6 megapixel Panasonic FX-01, and my Alpha 100. The winner? The Alpha – happily, because it cost much more than the FX-01, weighs much more and is much larger. Back in 1999, the Olympus cost exactly the same as the Alpha did yesterday!
Autumn leaves in the garden, SonyAutumn leaves in the garden, Panansonic FX-01 Autumn leaves in the garden, Olympus C2000Z
(Of course, the thumbnail images don’t show the difference. Take a look at the full-size images by clicking the icon above the photo in the gallery.)

I took some great photos with the Olympus during my break last year, but looking at the difference, I should have bought a DSLR before my trip. Live and learn…

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Finally bought a DSLR

I have finally bought a digital SLR, the Sony Alpha 100. It was a tough decision between the Sony and the Nikon D80, but I finally settled on the Sony because it is somewhat cheaper and has image stabilisation built into the body. The Nikon has image stabilised lenses, but that increases the price of every lens.
Spider in the gardenThe weather here is overcast, so I haven’t taken many photos yet. The first experiments in our garden showed good results, particularly this photo of a spider, taken with the zoom at 280mm, hand-held at 1/20th second! The image stabilisation works very well.