Note to self: pack spare batteries


Several years ago, I drove through an interesting-looking area, and have long wanted to return — but could not remember exactly where it was. Yesterday, I drove around looking for it. I found it again, but the weather was too overcast for good photos. My camera battery was running low, so after a while looking in vain for an interesting shot, I drove on to look for other interesting spots in the area. In the late afternoon, I ended up at a place with a wonderful view of the Alps. Hoping that the battery would last long enough to capture the entire panorama, I started shooting… and only got two photos before the battery ran out. The photo above is all you’ll see of the wonderful view I had.

Next time, I’ll be careful to check the battery before I leave home, and take a spare with me.

(Click on the photo above, then the ‘full size’ icon to see a larger version.)