Comparing colours


As we drove through New England looking at the autumn colours, we thought “That’s not much different from Switzerland.” Of course, being under grey clouds for a week didn’t show the colours to their best advantage, but we had good weather for the last few days in Connecticut. The trees were beautiful, but still not as beautiful as we had expected. Now, we can compare directly. This photo was taken from a friend’s patio, just north of Zürich, and is a good representation of everywhere between Basel and Zürich. I was driving and admiring the beauty, and Mary-Anne was not taking photos, so you’ll have to make do with this view between the houses!
I can’t say that either of New England or Switzerland is more beautiful than the other; the main difference is that in New England, the colours tend to be clearer – more red or yellow than rust or orange, as in Switzerland.

If you want to see a really beautiful photo of Switzerland, take a look at the photo of the Engadin, near St. Moritz, on Mike Bischoff’s blog. I saw many impressive and beautiful things during my time in the USA, but that’s fantastic!