Finally, a sunny day!

2005 08 15 out of my window - a very foggy morningSo, we finally have a sunny day! After a rather foggy start, things cleared up quite quickly. We met Jon Dale and David for breakfast (Mike is strong on breakfast meetings!) and had a good talk, starting off with house church network structures (“Do we need paid leaders?”), but ending up where my thoughts yesterday took me: falling in love with God. It really hit a chord with the others, particularly when we started considering the comparison with falling in love with our then girlfriends, now wives. We’ll be following up on this in the coming days.

Unknown bird on the deck rail (MikeChris noticed a bird sitting on the deck rail this morning. Mike took a great photo, and we’re trying to work out what it is. It’s now just after noon, and the bird has only moved from the deck rail to the wooden fence, and is still just sitting there. That’s about 4 hours! Any hints would be welcome. We think it’s young, which makes the identification rather difficult, because we don’t know if this is its final colouring.