Just relax…

Don’t worry about not yet having reached the goal; it is a journey, and as long as we aim to finish it instead of staying where we are, we will progress. Also, relax, and do not be concerned about many things; our Father loves us and takes care of us. We should not worry about many things, but simply listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to us, and do what he says.
It’s all about ‘receiving by believing’.

Our time in the mountains, praying and listening to the Lord, was remarkable, leading us to very simple truths! However, putting them into practice could be a major step for us both. We went seeking to experience more of God’s love for us, and to fall more in love with him, and spent the afternoon in prayer, listening to what the Holy Spirit said to us.
Continue reading “Just relax…”

Eleven Miles Out

We had a relaxing time in the mountains, and took some great photos.

Our cabin at Eleven MileWe’re back from our time in the mountains. (I’ve put up some photos.) The place we originally planned to stay at had no space, so we drove further, ending up at Eleven Mile, which is, not surprisingly, at the end of an 11 mile long road. The cabin we rented was rather rustic; built in 1872, thankfully somewhat modernised. No telephone, no television and, as we were to discover, terrible beds.
On Thursday evening, we went to a small restaurant in Lake George, where we saw a beautiful sunset. We had a good meal, then headed back to the cabin, where we discovered how terrible the beds were. We both slept very badly; I looked at the clock at least every 45 minutes after 3a.m.
On Friday morning, we headed up 11 Mile Canyon, which is, rather strangely, not the same road as to Eleven Mile! It is a beautiful place; most of the photos I took are from there. It was wonderful to see a Mule Deer crossing the river. Although we were not far away, it seemed completely undisturbed by our presence, even stopping in the middle of the river for a drink. When it reached our side of the river, though, it hid in the thicket on the left of the photo.
Our afternoon was spent relaxing by the river, thinking and praying. Our impressions in prayer are in my post “Just relax…”