Let the women be silent!

I was reading 1st Corinthians this morning. This verse linked in with some of the things we were talking about during the meeting yesterday:
1 Corinthians 14:35 And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.

I started to think about this in the context of a few other verses and facts, and believe that he is actually saying “It is shameful for women to chatter in church.”

I was reading 1st Corinthians this morning. This verse linked in with some of the things we were talking about during the meeting yesterday:
1 Corinthians 14:35 And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.

I started to think about this in the context of a few other verses and facts:
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I really do take one photo each morning

Morning on August 29th: blue sky againFor those of you who doubt, the morning photos really are taken each morning! The weather here is very predictable at the moment: it starts out clear, sunny and cool (at least until 8:30), warms considerably during the day, thunders at 3pm, sometimes with very heavy rain, and clears up for the evening. It’s really a climate I could get used to 🙂
This morning, we had breakfast with a couple who heard God calling them to simple church. He handed his ordination papers back to the group he was working with, and they are now waiting for the Lord’s leading. It is very encouraging to see people like that, demonstrating their faith in their actions.

Losung: 29.8.2005 Du bist der Gott, der mir hilft; täglich harre ich auf dich Psalm 25.5

Der Verfasser des Psalm 25 ist David ein Hirtenjunge, der von Gott zum König über Israel berufen wurde. Für David war der Ausspruch: “du bist der Gott, der mir hilft; täglich harre ich auf dich…” kein Lippenbekenntnis, Sondern erfahrene Realität. Woher nahm David diese Zuversicht, dass Gott ihm helfen würde? Woher nahm David diese Überzeugung, dass seine Gebete Erhörung fänden?
Continue reading “Losung: 29.8.2005 Du bist der Gott, der mir hilft; täglich harre ich auf dich Psalm 25.5”