Catching up on photos


Pretty Purple

In the past year, I’ve not had much time for photography, or to work on the photos I’ve taken. I’m catching up on the backlog now, and publishing the best ones as I find them. I’m very pleased how this one turned out; I knew it had potential when I first saw it on screen soon after taking it, but only got around to processing it yesterday. The best ones are for sale as prints or cards.

Losung: Prophetie nur vom Heiligen Geist?

Die heutige Losung lautet

Es ist noch nie eine Weissagung aus menschlichem Willen hervorgebracht worden, sondern getrieben von dem Heiligen Geist haben Menschen im Namen Gottes geredet.
1. Petrus 1,21

Stark – wenn ich prophetisch rede, ist es offenbar immer nur vom Heiligen Geist! Da darf man meine Aussagen natürlich nicht hinterfragen – oder? Was ist da mit den Aussagen im Korintherbrief, wo es heisst, dass prophetische Aussagen geprüft werden müssen? Ist das nicht ein Widerspruch?

Nein, ist es nicht. Wenn man den Textzusammenhang von 1. Petrus 1,21 anschaut, entdeckt man, dass er hier die Weissagungen der Propheten im Alten Testament meint. Wir wissen nur davon, weil jemand (die Juden, vor Jesu Geburt) sie geprüft und für Aussagen des Heiligen Geistes befunden hat. Diese Stelle bedeutet nicht, dass wir einen Eindruck einfach so als prophetisch deklarieren können, weil es uns so passt. Eindrücke müssen geprüft und für gut befunden werden – erst dann können sie als prophetisch gelten.

The end of a decade



Last Friday was my last day at COMIT, where I have worked for the past 10 years. My team presented me with an album of best wishes and photos of each team member as a goodbye present – beautifully done, and very creative. I’ll miss them.
I don’t yet know what I’ll be doing next, apart from taking a creative break and making plans for the future. Do you think I’m crazy to quit my job in the current economic situation? Perhaps it is, but I believe the Holy Spirit has been prompting me to do so for a while. It’s time for something new, but I don’t yet know what it is. I’ve been offered a number of new jobs, but haven’t found the right one yet. As I wrote in Welcome to Part 2, it’s time to find out how it continues. Let the adventure begin!

Just sold my first photo

Lost in the mist #3I’ve just sold my first photo over at Imagekind – Lost in the mist #3. I sold a few photos as greeting cards last Christmas, but this was my first “proper” photo sale. I didn’t earn all that much – but now that I’ve been discovered, the prices will rise fast, so get over there fast and start buying before the prices go through the roof 😉

Welcome to part 2

Welcome to The Life Of Steven Bufton, Part 2. In Part 1: The First 40 Years, you saw him growing up, doing some crazy things such as running across Britain in a relay team, fleeing Britain, becoming a Christian, meeting his wife and a lot of other great people, and spending significant parts of his waking life in trains. Now, in Part 2, find out how it continues…

The Fire Inside

Yesterday, we visited Glasi Hergiswil with our friends Hanni and Hannes. The Glasi is a glass-blowing museum and probably Switerland’s most successful glass producer. The museum is a well-presented history of glass and the factory, and also includes a number of experiments demonstrating properties of glass and what it can be used for. It’s well worth a visit!
Switzerland has had the heaviest snowfall in November since records began. The snow line is currently a little higher than our home, but most of the drive to Hergiswil was above the snow line. The few trees which still have their golden leaves looked beautiful against the snow.