Jim Montgomery, the founder of Dawn Ministries, died recently. Others knew him better, and are more qualified to write about the effects of his life and works, so I won’t comment on that here. I met him briefly in the Dawn offices in Colorado Springs in 2004, and was touched by his friendliness and humility. “To live is Christ, to die is gain”
, as Paul writes. He has gained, we have lost.
Day: November 9, 2006
What the eye does not see
I’m working on a series of photos of the moon, one each day for a complete cycle. Last Saturday, I was surprised by the difficulty I had in taking a sharp photo; I could see the moon clearly, and everything looked sharp in the camera viewfinder, but the photos were all blurred. I tried manual and automatic focus, turning image stabilisation on and off, different apertures and shutter speeds, but nothing made any difference. I’ve posted the clearest photo in the gallery, but the contrast to the other photos is clear. Something in the atmosphere, perhaps high cloud or ice crystals, was apparently obscuring the moon just enough to make the photos unsharp, but not enough to be visible to the naked eye. That reminded me of the words in 1 Corinthians 2:9 (even if their meaning is the reverse of what I experienced):
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him– but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit